An entire town of people have left accept two families. One of the are the brother and sister, Rudolph and Maria Frankenstein. The brother and sister are the only two doctors in town and each time a family take their sick children to see them, the children end up dying. Families are told that they cannot see their kids because of how sick the child is.
When a child dies, Maria buries the bodies in the middle of the night. She tells the families that the bodies must be buried soon after death. What is really happening is Maria and her brother are conducting experiments on sick kids. Francisco is one of the boys that Maria is experimenting on. It his family that is the only other family left in town. Francisco's sister Juanita is told of her brothers death. Her family leaves town not long after. This leaves only Maria and her brother in the town.
After a failed experiment to bring Francisco back to life during a lightning storm, she goes back to the writings of her father and realizes that the one mistake she has made is that she needs the mind of a strong human male and not that of a young man. The kids have been sick. She needs a male who is in good health
Enter Jessee James and his friend Hank. Jessee and Hank are hired by the wild bunch to help steal one hundred thousand dollars from a stage coach. When the robbery goes wrong, Hank is shot in the chest. Jessee and Hank find their way near a town. There, camped out are the family members of Francisco. Juanita, Francisco's sister agrees to help Jessee and Hank get to town so that Hank may have his wound attended to by Maria. This is where the movie makes a smooth transition from western to a classic horror flick.
Maria agrees to take Jessee in while she takes care of his friend Hank. When Jessee refuses Maria's advances, she becomes irate and goes to work on not only setting Jessee up to be killed, but to begin work on her experiment by using Hank. Once the experiment is a success, Hank is no longer Hank. He is now Igor! The last 20 minutes of the movie are well worth the wait and I am not going to spoil it for you here.
The director did a masterful job of making me question if I was watching a western movie with a horror sub-plot or a horror movie with a western sub-plot. The western part of the film looked just like a great episode of "Gunsmoke". The horror sets looked like something out of the old Frankentien movies. I recommend this movie to anyone that enjoys a good western or a good scary flick.
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