Five female models and a couple of male models are travling and have come across a castle. For what reason I do not know, they decide that sense nobody answered the door of the castle, they would just help themselves in and take some picture of the models in some sexy midevil poses. The keeper of the house is not happy when he finds out that their are intruders in his home. However, once he sees that one of the ladies is an old flame, he decides to let them stay and take their photos and stay the night. It is when the photos are being taken when the drama starts and blood is shed as one model after the other is tourtured to death!
A classic scene in this movie shows the "Crimson Executioner" tying a young female model to a large cement bed. Under the bed is a large hole where the Executioner shovels coal into to make the fire hotter and hotter. However, when a tight shot is shown of the whole under the cement bed, the fire is huge. on the wide shot, a flame no bigger than one seen in a home furnace could be seen.
In the closing scenes of of the film, there is no explination as to how the Crimson Executioner was able to gather several people at once and have each person attached to a device of tourture all by himself. Yet, he pulls it off and the real fun begins! Nothing like watching a good hanging, a chick's face ripped with a hook on a chain and hot coal poured down someones back! Try allowing this clown to arrange your kids next birthday party!
The voice over was way off the entire film. Yet the sound effects were dead on. The director made good use of the castle and was very creative in the shots he choose. Plenty of plot twist to keep you interested. Check out this one. Available on the Horrorlicius collection.
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