A wealthy European nobleman who is haunted by the memory of his unfaithful wife who has passed away has hired a very expensive woman to please him. She looks just like his wife in a painting he keeps of her in his castle. After paying her 500 pounds he ask her to try on some dresses that belonged to his wife then invites her to another part of the castle that has dozens of knives, swords and other items of torture. She thinks that this guy is into having a good time by getting his kicks through a little rough play. Little does she know that his heart is set on torturing and killing any red-haired woman that reminds of him of his cheating wife! He begins by using a bull whip on her, making her scream for mercy. He straps her face down on bed, and just as is about to burn her with a hot banding iron, he hears his dead wife’s voice calling him from the stairwell……”Allen”. Allen drops the branding iron after hearing the voice and begins to ask for forgiveness as if the hooker was his wife. Flashbacks cross his mind. He sees his deceased wife running toward her lover. It enrages him. So he kills the prostitute! Allen is loosing his mind, seeking revenge on all who remind him of her.
We learn that Allen is being treated for mental problems and his doctor is very concerned about Allen’s mental stability aver since Allen’s wife mysteriously died after he discovered her infidelity. Allen’s fetish for torturing and killing redheads almost backfired on him when he picked up a stripper and offered her 1,000 pounds to spend the weekend with him. He repeats the same behavior. Using the bullwhip and just has was about to do something else, she escapes into the forest, however as he hears his dead wife’s voice in his head, he chokes the life out of the girl.
Eventually, Allen gets married to a wonderful woman, redhead of course. His psychologist recommended that getting married would be the best thing he could do to get over his wife’s death. However, after getting married, things get worse for Allen. Allen begins to have more hallucinations. We find out by this point that his wife’s name was Evelyn and she died when giving birth to their child. Allen was already showing signs of a breakdown during this point and felt she was having an affair.
The movie moves at an incredibly slow pace and takes forever to pick up any sort of momentum. A movie should hook you from the beginning and should not take nearly an hour to catch your attention. The last fifteen minutes have plenty of twist and turns that make for an interesting ending. The story is pretty good but the movie could have been shorter and paced a little faster. The cinematography is nothing special. A little creativity in shot composition along with some soundtrack music would have made the movie more watchable.
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